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Riga or Lisbon, which is better for your holiday in 2024?

Riga and Lisbon both offer unique and enticing experiences, but which one should you choose for your city break or holiday?

We understand your dilemma. There is an abundance of travel guides for both cities, but few actually comparing them, and advising you which is the better for your trip.
This article will provide our unbiased and independent views of Lisbon and Riga, hopefully making your choice that little easier.

The article is structured into several sections, each of which can be directly accessed through the following links:
• Introduction to the cities
• Scores and ratings
• Which one should I, friends, or family visit?
• When to visit and weather
• Who is the city suited for?
• The perfect 48hours (with map)
• Tourism details (where to stay? airport details?)

Introduction to Riga and Lisbon

Riga is a cool and collected Baltic capital Bridging both sides of the Daugava River estuary, its laid-back districts effortlessly flit from elegant Art Nouveau to stoic northern cottages built from wood.
But it's the Old Town area that really draws the eye. That's a web of cobbled alleys and hidden squares. Onion domes and Gothic belfries loom overhead in those parts, and hearty Latvian taverns slosh with beers and burst with dumplings in cellars beneath the flagstones.

Be warned that Riga has developed a reputation for stag and hen do weekending. If you travel during the summer, you're likely to encounter at least one group of boozed-up Brits.
But that shouldn't put you off. There are enough craft beer joints, bohemian cafes, and restaurants to go around. What's more, the old guild houses and haunting churches can balance the experience out with a dollop of culture and history.

Swedish Gate riga

The Swedish Gate one of the original gates in Riga’s fortifications

Lisbon is a progressive and liberal city, which still retains its rich seafaring history and distinctive Portuguese heritage. The city effortlessly blends history, vibrant culture and exciting nightlife into one charismatic tourist destination.

Lisbon is a city of compact variety; you can get lost in the maze of narrow streets in the Alfama district, be wowed by the grandeur of the plazas in Baixa or join the hipsters and fashionistas in the Principe Real. Close to the city are glorious sandy beaches, and Lisbon boasts one of the finest climates in Europe. This is an amazing city, which you must visit.

Daugava River riga

Riga castle stands along the Daugava River

28 tram Lisbon

The number 28 tram passing the Se cathedral in Lisbon

Riga vs Lisbon: City Ratings

Do you agree with us? Why not provide your own scores for Lisbon here

Where would I journey for a personal escape?
Where would I send my parents for a memorable visit?
Where's the ideal destination for my adventurous 19-year-old cousin?
Where should my food-obsessed friend indulge their culinary passions?
Note: The above comparisons are weather-independent and are based on travel during the most opportune times of the year. Details about the ideal travel seasons are elaborated upon later in this article.

In the sections that follow, you'll find a comprehensive comparison between these two fascinating cities. This includes recommendations on the duration of stay, the best times to visit, and tailored 48-hour itineraries for each city.
The final segment delves into practicalities for your travels, such as the best airport to fly into, the optimal districts for your accommodation, and insider tips, for when you come to explore the city.
We hope that you find all of this information useful, in planning your next exciting trip!

Destination details

How long to spend each city?

Lisbon is a diverse and exciting city that you’ll need at least three days to fully see.
Many visitors also include Sintra as part of their stay, but at a minimum, but we recommend spending at least two full days in Lisbon itself.

If you are fortunate enough to have a longer stay, there are many enjoyable day trips, including the palaces of Sintra, the beach resorts of Cascais or the historic towns of Obidos and Evora.

In the summer, you could also visit the beautiful beaches along the Cascais or Costa Caparica coastlines. Best of all, these day trips can all be reached via the inexpensive public transportation.
Related articles: 3 days in Lisbon48 hours in Lisbon

Riga might be the largest of the three Baltic capitals, but it's still a relatively small city. You can get from end to end in less than 40 minutes in the car, while the districts that are of interest to travellers are all within walking distance of each other.
That helps if you're only planning a short weekend away. Fly-in, fly-out city breaks are totally doable. In fact, a couple of days is what the majority of travellers come for.

If you want to explore for longer, you might want to come during the summertime. Not only can the winters here get downright cold (more on that later), but Riga is close to the some of the most celebrated beach resorts on the whole Baltic coast.

lisbon Ponte 25 de Abril suspension bridge

A tourist cruise boat passing beneath the Ponte 25 de Abril suspension bridge in Lisbon

Riga cathedral

The skyline of central Riga, with Riga cathedral at the centre

The Baltic summers are a tamer version of the warm season in the south of the continent. It's pleasant here when the temperature squeezes into the low 20s. Then, Riga goes al fresco in earnest.
The cafes on the main squares in the Riga Old Town buzz with life and chatter. There are students and backpackers sharing stories in the beer bar gardens at evening. Those, coupled with the enticing beaches of Jūrmala, are all reasons to plan to arrive sometime between June and September.

Winter in this corner of the continent can be cold. Really cold. It's not uncommon to see whole weeks go by without the thermometers passing single figures, or even positive numbers! Snow is normal, too, so it's wise to pack underlayers and good boots to hit the sightseeing trail anytime from November onwards.

The recommended time to visit Lisbon is in the late spring and early autumn, when the city is sunny and warm, but without the summertime crowds.

Lisbon is subject to the pressures of over-tourism at times, most notably being incredibly crowded during the summer months in the popular tourist areas, such as the Belem district and Sintra.

Due to the increased popularity of Lisbon, it is becoming a year-round destination, however, be warned that the winter months can be wet and cool.

Our favourite time of year to visit Lisbon is during the first two weeks of June, when the whole city celebrates the Santos Populares festivals with street parties and traditional dances.

Lisbon has a wide appeal; there are cultural sights, a buzzing nightlife and a blossoming artisan scene. The city will appeal to young or old, either for a cultural trip or as a fun weekend away.

In the summer (May-Sep) the beaches make for a really good extension to your trip and are easily accessible from the city. There is little to fault Lisbon and most visitors leave with fond memories of the city.

Riga does well to distil rich Baltic history, a touch of hedonism, and authentic culture into a bitesize destination. With a population of under 650,000, you're not going to have to navigate a colossal megacity to get stuck into the action here.
You can spend most of your time walking from sight to sight, and enjoy relaxed dining and nightlife scenes to boot. It's one for the more chilled traveller.

The flip side of all that is that Riga isn't some bucket-list-busting capital. It's not got huge, world-famous sights. Instead, it's about enjoying the atmosphere, the regional food, and the intriguing merchant heritage of the place. You also might want to steer clear of the city if you hate the sight of stag and hen dos. They are rampant between June and August especially.

House of the Blackheads in Riga

House of the Blackheads in Riga

Lisbon beaches

There are beautiful beaches only a short train ride away from the centre of Lisbon

There’s a lot to squeeze in for 48 hours in Lisbon.
Below is an interactive map for what we recommend doing in a 48 hour tripto the city; day 1is highlighted in green and day 2 in yellow, with optional sights in grey.

Most tours begin in the Baixa district with its grand avenues and magnificent plazas, such as the Praça do Comércio and Rossio.

In the later part of the day, start to climb the hills into the Alfama district which is a maze of medieval streets leading up to the castle. Take in one of the viewpoints close to the castle for a romantic sunset and then ride the quaint number 28 tram as it rattles through the city.

For dinner, head into the Baixa district and then for a night out, head to Barrio Alto, with its funky bars and social scene which fills the streets.

For the second day, head to the scenic Belem district, which contains the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, and Torre de Belém, along with views across the Tejo Estuary.

For the second part of the day discover the stylish Príncipe Real and Avenida da Liberdade districts or visit the ultra-modern side of Lisbon, the Parque das Nações.

Torre de Belém Lisbon

The Torre de Belém once guarded the Tejo Estuary and Lisbon

Parque das Nações Lisbon

The Parque das Nações is the modern side to historic Lisbon

Hop between the charming plazas and Art Nouveau neighbourhoods of Riga with help from this curated itinerary. It lasts two days and includes most of the mainstream sights and some hidden extras for good measure:

Day 1: Breeze straight into the Riga Old Town. This medieval maze of a district is a fairy-tale place to be. It's also got a glut of sights. Start on the square topped by Saint Peter's Church. The oldest Christian building in the city, it's been rebuilt and reconstructed many a time.

You can scale the 120 or so metres to the top of the spire to get 360-degree views of the river, the capital, and even the Baltic coast. Back on ground level and a few streets over, you can see beautiful Town Hall Square. The most eye-catching building in the city looms on one side.
It's the so-called House of the Blackheads, where rich bachelor merchants held court for several hundred years. Delve inside for exhibits that unravel the enthralling past of the city since the age of the Hanseatic League.

Move northwards through Dome Square to have sunny lunches under the handsome cathedral building. Then push on to Riga Castle. First raised in 1330, it's gilded with additions that were built by the Swedish invaders of Latvia.

As evening closes in, you could opt to join the famous Riga Pub Crawl. They hit a number of underground Latvian taverns and then a pumping club.

riga old town

The cobbled streets of Riga’s old quarter

Day 2: Hangover or not, you should rise early and make for the western area of Miera Iela. The cracked-plaster façades of the old buildings there herald what's surely the most hipster and creative corner of the city. Students and young professionals are everywhere, and there are some top brunch spots to kick start your morning. Then bear eastwards, back towards the Old Town.

On the way, you'll have to navigate Centrs district. Your first pitstop should be Alberta 12, where a grand edifice decorated with statues of nymphs and floral motifs commands the attention. It's one of the finest examples of the Art Nouveau style for which Riga is famous. Inside, you'll even find the Riga Art Nouveau Museum, which chronicles the architectural and design style from the turn of the century onwards.

Lunch can be had in the new town area to the south – Dzirnavu Iela especially has some charming café-bars and great shopping. The pretty walking paths of Vermane Garden can be perfect for an afternoon stroll if the sun is shining. They will take you all the way to the vibrant Pilsetas kanals garden, the home of the town's padlock-covered love bridge that's in good proximity to some hearty Old Town taverns for dinner.

freedom Monument riga

The freedom Monument – the three stars represent the three regions in Latvia

Art Nouveau Alberta 12 riga

The Art Nouveau on the Alberta 12

Lisbon is well set up for a holiday and is a great destination for a weekend break. The city has a lot to offer; it is safe and is comparatively inexpensive, especially when compared to other major European cities.

Lisbon is serviced by one airport, which is only 7 km from the city centre, and is connected to the metro network (€1.60 single). There are many flights to Lisbon, but there can be high demand in the summer along with the obligatory increase of prices.

For accommodation, there are the well-defined popular areas of the Alfama, Baixa and Chiado districts, with a range of hotels and rental rooms. There is a diminishing supply of low budget options, even for rental rooms, as demand is always high.

lisbon viewpoint hill

Lisbon is spread across 7 hills, which means there are many great viewpoints, and lots of hills to climb!

When exploring the city, all of the main tourist areas are centrally located and can be reached on foot,he only exception is the Belem district, to the west. There are a lot of steep hills in Lisbon, and sightseeing can be very draining in the intense summer sun.

Riga International Airport is the largest in all of the Baltic states. It's served by flights originating all over Europe, in Russia, and even the Middle East. Bus 22 and plenty of private taxi firms offer connections to the city, though you'll need to be wary of scam drivers who often crank up the price to €80 or more! The trip to the downtown from the terminals usually takes no more than 30 minutes.

You shouldn't need to deal with any public transport on a city break to Riga. The town is nice and compact, so a good pair of shoes and a willingness to walk is usually enough to get around. That said, there are streetcars, buses and minibuses on the same network. Grab yourself an e-talons ticket to use the lot. Each ride costs €1.15 and needs to be renewed if you transfer.

You'll almost certainly want to seek out a hotel in Riga Old Town. That will put you right in the thick of the action. We'd recommend steering clear of Audēju Iela, though.

It's vibrant and lively, but the pumping bars can make it hard to sleep at night. Quieter areas include the northern portion of the district and the streets around Riga Castle.

Riga castle

Riga castle is official residence of the Latvia President

Keep your guard up when walking around Riga, particularly after dark or a few beers. The capital is generally safe, but areas like Maskavas Forštate should be avoided. Pickpockets and petty theft, along with taxi scams, tend to be the biggest dangers of all.

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